L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e
Landscapes of all sizes and uses -- residential gardens, corporate and academic campuses, retail and mixed use developments -- provide essential habitat and foraging plants for pollinators.
Native pollinators and our beloved European honey bees assure productive harvests for New England farmers at all scales -- from backyard vegetable gardeners to major produce growers.
We welcome your inquiries regarding how we can help you add pollinator-friendly plantings to your property at any scale.
Useful Links:
Pollinator-friendly Design

Bees gather nectar and pollen enabling plants to reproduce. In turn, pollen feeds baby bees and nectar is turned into honey to be enjoyed by the bees and you.

More and more gardeners are interested in doing their part to help the bees maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Honey bees use the sun as a reference point in navigation and communication.

If you can not keep bees, you can garden for them. Flowers and bees are a perfect match.

Russian Honeybees are more resistant to mites as this species has survived through them for hundreds of years.

Brightly colored butterfly weed is a butterfly magnet, attracting many kinds of butterflies and insects to its colorful blooms.

Both bees and Monarch caterpillars use the Red Milkweed as an important food source.

Scilla Siberica blossoms have a pleasant floral fragrance, and are attractive to bees and other pollinating insects.

Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum), when in bloom, is covered with bees and butterflies all day long.