L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e
Historic & Cultural
Site Design
Dale Design, Inc. provides site planning and landscape architectural services for a range of historically focused projects. We bring to this work an emphasis on research and a commitment to sensitively integrating contemporary programmatic needs into the historic setting and vernacular of the site.
Living History Musuems
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA
Plimoth Planation, Plymouth, MA
State Parks and Open Space Land Reservations
Sawink Farm Trail Head, Sudbury Valley
Trustees, Westborough, MA
Pilgrim Memorial State Park, Plymouth, MA
Municipal Properties
Grandview Farm Conference & Training Center, Burlington, MA
Sands Bridge Restoration, Methuen, MA

Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA A master planning project focused on enhancing the visitors' experience as they traveled back in time to the 19th century in this living history village.

Sturbridge, MA The goal, establish an '1835 first impression' for visitors.

Pilgrim Memorial Park Plymouth, MA Project focus to preserve cultural features, re-establish native seashore plantings, and enhance historic character.

Pilgrim Memorial Park Plymouth, MA New walkways & gathering areas were designed to provide large tour groups places to meet & listen to historical guides.

Pilgrim Memorial Park Plymouth, MA Native New England seashore plantings with historic lantern lights enhances historic character.

Burlington, MA This Historic property's final phase sensitively preserved and highlighted the sites unique historic character & value.

Burlington, MA A building used for Town functions, the landscape design set out to celebrate the historic nature of the site.

Trail head parking area was secured from local landscape and debris dumping, while adding seating at the trail head kiosk.

Dale Design, Inc. volunteered to assist the Sudbury Valley Trustees with the planning and implementation of the parking area improvements.