L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e
Pete's Park
(Named in honor of Pete Frates and ALS Awareness)
"The vision is to transform the park into an all-inclusive, multi-use, integrated park that meets the ADA’s (American’s with Disability Act) standards of accessible design. A park that Pete can visit to watch his daughter Lucy play with his nieces and other neighborhood children." www.petespark.org
The fundraising efforts continue to bring this all-inclusive park to life! Dale Design has worked closely with the Pete's Park Committee and Beverly's Recreation Department to gain support from the local community. Our design includes a handicap accessible play structure and swings and an accessible route throughout the park to the basketball courts, multiple play areas and tennis court.
May your New Year be filled with Peace, Love and Harmony!
Our holiday greeting cards this year were an in-house creative project (featuring four images), allowing us to look back and select photographs from this past year's events. A wonderful afternoon in June took us to Garden in the Woods where we spotted the Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton). The photo of the 'Red Baneberry' (Actaea rubra 'Neglecta') illustrates a less common white-fruited form of Actaea rubra, as we later found out via the New England Wildflower Society's website.
Nova Biomedical
Working closely with Nova Biomedical's directors and Facilities team, Dale Design created an upgraded main entryway at the Waltham Campus Main Headquarters. The design included unit pavers and salvaged granite bollards with landscape lighting. The paved entrance serves as a connection from the vehicular drop off area and the existing pedestrian walkway.

Master Plan

Custom Railing and Commemorative Plaques

New Main Entrance

Salvaged Granite bollard with lighting

'Children of Peace'
Gary Lee Price

Red Baneberry fruit
(Actaea rubra 'Neglecta')

Baltimore Checkerspot
(Euphydryas phaeton)

Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) in a Cranberry Viburnum (Viburnum trilobum)